Monday, April 03, 2006

Who am I?

Who am I? When I was in primary school, I was the odd one out in class, always blurr and very naieve.......I had 1 form teacher of which i believed hated me so much that she always found fault with everything that was in me. I did badly in Mandarin but excelled in BM and english, always kena rotan because I always failed in my Mandarin dictation. ....weired things do happen...I got B for mandarin during UPSR but C for BM......

When I was in secondary school,........ I came to discover that 'I'm not stupid' though i'd rather pretend to be stupid most of the time and let others bully me. Once in form four, a classmate really got on my nerves when she delibrately sat on my head during a netball game. I could have kicked her ass but thank God for the gift of patience, I just told her never to do it I said earlier, I was not stupid. I believe i managed to do a few things that ordinary students in my school did not get to do.......I got to play Hokey pretty well, was selected to go for state training, not many people knew about this but what the heck.......I was a school debater and i'd consider myself pretty fortunate to train under the guidence of Pn Tiong Min Chor......I did a few monkey shows on stage with friends like Juseleen and until today i find those monkey shows pretty amusing (I still keep the scripts to those sketches)......I did many more stuffs of which i guess only me, myself will consider as sweet memories because I lived and experienced it. I doubt people will understand how sweet my life was because they never lived my life.

Until today, the most popular question extended to me is 'Whats your race ah?' and at hawkers stall people will ask "You mau makan apa?", "You makan babi ah?", "you datang dari mana?" thrills me very much to shock these people by answering them in hokkien or mandarin and listen them apologize to me saying "Soli ah, did not know you are ka ki lang" and I'd smile back and say, "not really because I'm not a chinese but I understand your language"....

Now, I am a quarter centuary old, I won't deny that i'm still naieve with life. my life is totaly different from what it used to be. I don't look very different but I'm trying my very best to be more feminine and lady like. It is a tranform from a gusty girl into a lady.....but i'm trying my very best.......i still don't know whats the best career for me and I'm still searching.....